The Rise Up of Esther


Thinking about the story of Esther over the last few days. When Esther found out that her people were targeted to death, she took a stand. She had Mordecai tell the people to fast and pray for three days along with her and then she would go to the king and make her petition. In that day going to the king, without permission had a death sentence to it. She took a stand and stood alone. She went before the king by herself and made her petition.

Let’s take this story and apply it to those most targeted today. Yes, we live in a world where Christians are targeted and moral values are looked down upon. The life of the unborn is targeted every day.

Let me take you back to 1966 when Mississippi was the first state to legalize abortion only in cases of rape/incest. Girls/Women who get pregnant because of rape and the children of rape are still targets today. It breaks my heart when people can’t see the that the precious baby who is conceived in rape actually saved their mother from being raped more.

When I first started to share my story, I shared it with Rebecca Kiessling who is the founder of, and I shared it with Juda Myers who is the founder of Both Rebecca Kiessling and Juda Myers were conceived in rape and saved from an illegal abortion. They had the law to protect them. These two precious ladies have hearts of compassion and love. They educate others and help women and their children. These women need to be applaud not criticized.

Over the last couple of weeks, I have seen how cruel society is towards those conceived in rape and their mothers. There is so much hatred. Society thinks that abortion must be the only option for the rape conceived. While I have seen so much hate over the last few days, I have also seen more women who have conceived in rape take a stand and defend us.

While there is, so much hate and babies conceived in rape are targeted. There are women and children who are the Esther’s in today’s world who are rising up and standing up and having their voices be heard so that All life is protected.

If God can use one Lady, who’s name was Esther to save a Nation. Just think about what he can do with those who have been targeted since 1966 to bring an end to abortion.

Abortion advocates lash out on group that supports victims of rape

The way that society treats girls/women who are raped and conceived and children of rape breaks my heart. Choices4Life is a Wonderful Organization. I don’t understand why the rape conceived are such a target. We have done nothing wrong. Babies conceived in rape are created in the image of God. He loves us and he knew how our conception would come to be even before we were born.

Saynsumthn's Blog

There are times when good people MUST speak out and this is one of them. My friend is being attacked online by abortion advocates simply because she is willing to help support the “choice” of women and girls to NOT abort their rape conceived children.

Before you start spilling all your hate on me as well, this blog post is not about rape – it is about the hypocrisy of the left. It is about the rape victims and their right to not be made to feel like they are bad people because they did not want to abort their child.

Enter an 11 year-old pregnant rape victim.

If you call yourself pro-choice then you must believe that the “choice” whether to have an abortion or not is the pregnant girl’s alone.

Having said that, I will soon prove that, according to the advocates of abortion, if the pregnant girl…

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The sacredness of life

life_is_sacred_std_t-copyLife is sacred. God chose mankind to have fellowship with him.  We were created by God to worship him, and he wants to use us for his kingdom. Life is sacred it must be highly valued and important.  We live in a world where animals have more protection than humans. The life of the unborn is being taken for granted these days.

Yesterday, we celebrated Memorial Day here in the United States of America. A day to remember those who served our country and are serving our country. I can imagine when people sign up to be in the military whether it is the Army, Navy, Armed Forces, National Guard, Air Force they take it sacred. It is something that they are devoted to. They see the sacredness of serving their country. They have great respect for the military. They take their job very seriously.
Yesterday, I read an article where my friend, Rebecca Kiessling, who also was conceived in rape, had to tell someone why her life was worth living.  People who are conceived because of rape should not have to tell why their lives are worth living. Life should be highly valued, respected no matter the circumstances of conception.
I am thankful that I have a God, who’s name, is Jesus Christ he knew me even before I was conceived. He saw how valuable and important my life is that he died on the cross and rose again so that I can be saved. He died for us so that we can live for him. We must respect and see life as being highly valued, important and worship the one who created and saw the sacredness of life before we were even born.

LifeSiteNews Shared The Story

I found out while away that shared the story about how I found out that I was conceived in rape and saved from an illegal abortion.

Game Changer For The 20-Week Pain Capable Protection Act


It truly has been an interesting week. From being silenced by a National Organization for letting others know that there were exceptions in the bill. This National Organization does not want people to know that there are exceptions in the bill. On Wednesday, several of my friends and I who were conceived in rape were heartbroken after hearing that the House passed the 20-week pain capable protection act. It is sad when there is an organization that says they want to protect the life of the unborn, but yet they have exceptions in the bills. All life should be protected no matter the circumstances of the conception. We all are created in the image of God.
After hearing the vote on Wednesday, several people on Facebook did not know there were exceptions in the bill.  I feel so impressed to become more involved with the Pro-Life Movement.
After a week of setbacks, Friday evening I got word that there is a game changer going on.  State Senator Lee Bright, a Republican from South Carolina, is filibustering the 20-week pain capable to have the exceptions removed from the bill. For Babies conceived in rape/incest and babies with special needs this is fantastic news! I am thankful to see a Republican senator standing up for the least of these. I pray that Senator Lee Bright will continue to support all life.

The Poison of Pain Capable Legislation

This is an eye opener.

Personhood Alabama

Earlier this year, the US House of Representatives attempted to vote on a bill that would ban abortions after 20 weeks of gestation.  This bill had several flaws in it and received opposition from several personhood groups until it was eventually pulled from the calendar.  Now, a revised version of this bill has been proposed by Representative Trent Franks (R) of Arizona.  This new bill still has many of the flaws contained in the previous bill, but now some personhood organizations are saying that it would be a good bill if just the rape and incest exceptions were removed.

Members of Personhood Alabama may have noticed several e-mails and facebook postings from personhood groups in other states and even from the national Personhood Alliance urging us to contact our representatives and ask them to remove the rape and incest exceptions from this bill.  In light of these requests I would…

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My Mother Was Raped Rejected Abortion, God Has A Plan For My Life

Six years ago while on a trip home to visit my parents, I had the privilege to take a four-hour drive and meet a woman who I have come to know. I admire her for her selfless love, her act of courage in the middle of adversity and her strength. She is my birthmother.

Growing up, I always knew I was an adopted child. My parents did not keep it a secret and they loved me no matter if I was born into the family or adopted into the family. My parents told me growing up that when I reached the age of 18 if I wanted to search for my birthparents, they would help me do it.

For many years, I dealt with some medical issues and had a lot of questions that adoptee’s think about. In January of 2008, I decided to get the non-ID information regarding my adoption. My adoption was a closed case adoption.

The day finally came when the packet arrived in the mail. I was nervous and excited all at the same time. I waited until my husband got home from work to open it. That evening in January of 2008, I opened the packet, and we read it. I was amazed as to what I was reading. I read about my birthmother having taught children that had cerebral palsy. When I read that, I was proud of her for doing that. It did not give very much information about my birth father other than on one of the pages in big letters it says, “Alleged Father.” That is when I got this feeling that something bad happened. After my husband and I finished reading the information he told me I want to get to know your birthmother more. My husband inspired me to search for her. So I called my parents, and I told them that I was going to continue to search for my birthmother.

I wrote my birthmother an outreach statement without any names and emailed it to my caseworker. Several days went by and the days felt more like years. I continued to pray that God would work the situation out because I wanted to know who she was so I could thank her for choosing life.

The day finally came that I received a phone call from my caseworker. She said I have talked with your birthmother, and she wants to have contact with you. The caseworker told me that before she could give me her information; my birthmother wanted me to know the truth. My birth mother was raped. The day that I heard that I was conceived in rape, I chose not to become angry or bitter about my birthfather, and I chose to love my birthfather. You may ask why I chose to love my birth father who is a rapist. Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins and the sins of my birthfather. I chose to love him through the love of Jesus Christ. That day, God also gave to me a heart filled with so much love and compassion for my birthmother.

It was several weeks later after my birth mother was raped that she discovered that she was pregnant. When she told her mother that she was pregnant, her mother was not thrilled with the turn of events and gave my birthmother three weeks to get out of the house. Her father had passed away in 1967. She then went to live at a home for unwed mothers, and it was there that my birthmother started her healing process. The question went through her mind: what am I to do with this baby? My birthmother had to make a decision. She had no job, no permanent place to live, was not married. My birthfather, of course, was out of the picture. She didn’t even know my birthfather’s name. Her aunt though had an idea. Her aunt could arrange for her to have an illegal abortion with a doctor in Michigan since this was before Roe V Wade.

My birthmother though knew that there was life growing inside of her womb—Life given by God and a gift from God. My Birthmothers favorite verse is:

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

She did not want to disrupt the plans that God had for the tiny life that was growing inside of her. When she decided to place me for adoption, her one request to the social worker was that her baby be placed in a strong Christian home.

Sherry Hospital2bWhen I was born, my birthmother had some complications. She was in the hospital for a week, and I was in the hospital for a week before going to my foster parent’s house. God blessed my birthmother with one week to love, care for and hold her baby girl, Rebecca Ann. My birthmother and I were released from the hospital on the same day, and she then placed me into the hands of God.

When I got in contact with my birth mother, she told me I have always loved you, and you were the beginning of my healing process. She also said What a lot of people don’t realize the baby that is conceived because of rape they can become a strong healing force in the situation. Why? Because out of something that is horrific and traumatic comes a precious human being and the Giver of Life brings healing to the one who suffered.

Yes, my biological great aunt wanted me to be aborted, but my birthmother chose life, and I was protected from an illegal abortion. God was faithful to my birthmother’s prayer. I was raised in a wonderful Christian home where faith was taught, and it was real.

God has been so very good to me, and He has blessed me beyond measure. God has blessed me with amazing parents, a brother who also is adopted, an amazing husband who I love so very much, amazing friends and an amazing church family.



Sherry Hensley was Conceived in Rape and saved from an illegal abortion. She is adopted and married to a Minister. She is writing her story and soon to be working to get into Public speaking to share her story. Her website is

Breaking News:House Passes 20 Week Pain Capable Bill


respect-lifeWhile a lot of people are happy yesterday because the House passed the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act to stop abortions after 20 weeks, I am saddened. Why am I heart-broken by the turn of events from today? Babies before 20 weeks can still be murdered, and those conceived in Rape/Incest and those with special needs are the exceptions, and they can still be murdered. I truly am starting to lose all respect for the Pro-Life Movement. You don’t pick and choose which babies you save and which ones you don’t. All life must be valued. We know that if the Senate passes the bill that the President says he will veto the bill and I would not put that past him. If he does veto it, we need to pray and vote for a pro-life President that takes a stand for Life and Hopefully we can get Personhood Legislation in the House and Senate and passed. Personhood believes that life begins at conception and that all life must be valued.

If the President doesn’t veto the bill, this will allow for more abortions, not less. Why? Without having to report the rape, women can just lie about being raped and get the counseling that would be required before having an abortion. That is what started this whole mess over 40 years ago was because a woman lied and said she was raped so she could have an abortion. I wonder how many people know that Mississippi was the first state to legalize abortions in cases of rape in 1966.

As for me, I will continue to take a stand and fight for the unborn until all life is valued.

I Will Not Be Silent

i_will_not_be_silentToday my heart is breaking, but I won’t be silent. On Monday, I noticed that the National Right to Life created an even on Facebook titled TheyFeelPain Twitter fest. What many people are probably not aware of is these bills that they try to pass has exceptions in them. Either Today or Tomorrow the House is supposed to vote on the 20-week pain capable bill.

On Monday, there were a few of us who were conceived in rape letting others know about the exceptions and saying that Babies Conceived in Rape/Incest and Special Needs they feel pain too. Well, Tuesday morning I found out that those that were telling others about the exceptions were silenced. The National Right to Life does not want people to know that there are exceptions in these bills.

The ProLife Movement has been trying for many years to pass ProLife bills and where does it get us. It gets us nowhere. We should not be deciding which babies are saved and which ones are not. All of life must be Valued. How is abortion going to be stopped in the United States? When we get on our knees and repent and have legislation that promotes Personhood. Life begins at conception. God is the creator of Life, and He is the only one who can take it away.

When I found out that we were silenced from letting others know about the exceptions I was sick. Instead of being quiet guess what it’s doing. It’s making me share the story all the more. You keep going you don’t quit. I will continue to share it. I will continue to stand up for the life of the Unborn. God is the one who gets the glory.

Sherry Hensley Blogger (2)

Sherry Hensley is a Pro-Life Speaker in Maryland-Conceived in Rape, saved from an illegal abortion. She is married to a wonderful man who is a Minister. She enjoys inspiring others and sharing her Faith.

God’s Plan For The Family


Genesis 1:26-27 says  And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.  So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

Not that long ago The United States Supreme Court heard arguments that Marriage needs to be changed. The United States Supreme Court will make that ruling probably sometime in late June or early July. When God made man and woman, he told them to replenish the earth.

There are four verses in the Bible where God says for a Man to leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife. Genesis 2:24 says Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

Matthew 19:5 says And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?

Mark 10:7 says For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife;

Ephesians 5:31 says For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.

God set it up this way. Children need both a Father and a Mother.

It is sad that we live in a generation where wrong is right and right is wrong. The Founding Fathers of the United States of America founded the country on the word of God. They had prayed before they began their work day and before each session.  I pray that the Supreme Court will recognize marriage between a man and a woman.

I know when the Supreme Court was making the decision about abortion to many Christians sat ideally by and said it won’t become legal. What happened there? Abortion became legal, and about 58 million babies have been aborted and many more babies were not able to be conceived because of the 58 million that have been aborted.  I wonder how many people today know that abortion became legal because a woman lied and said she was raped.

Here we are again this week Congress is getting ready to vote on a 20-week pain capable bill to make abortions after 20 weeks illegal except in cases of rape/incest and special needs. Why do we continue to make exceptions? Why do we continue to allow the innocent pay for the crime that the birth father committed?  Oh, because what is wrong is now right, and what is right is now wrong.  We as Christians need to have a backbone and take a stand and not just think that well they won’t pass these types of bills. It happened in 1973 and if we don’t stand up and face some persecution things will continue to get worse and worse.  A lot of problems in today’s world is a Spiritual Problem. When we take a stand for Biblical principles and people, say they were offended, they are not offended, but they are convicted, and they don’t want to change.

If the United States Supreme Court decides to change the recognition of marriage, don’t be surprised.

I am thankful that I was raised in a Christian home with a Mother and Father, who taught me right from wrong.

Sherry Hensley Blogger (2)

Sherry Hensley is a Pro-Life Speaker in Maryland-Conceived in Rape, saved from an illegal abortion. She is married to a wonder man who is a Minister. She enjoys inspiring others and sharing her Faith.