A Year Of Blessings…Looking Ahead

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As 2015 Comes to an end, I am thinking about the blessings of God. Little did I know the position that I would be in at the end of this year. In August of this year, I met with the Greater Baltimore Right to Life, and we were talking about Fundraising ideas, and they asked me if I had any ideas and I did not have any at the time. Well on the way home or the next day the Lord spoke to me in a very profound way and told me to write it and get it out there. Well, I had no idea as to where this would lead. I ended up writing a small book “Conceived in Rape, But I am Loved”, and I am so blessed as to what God is doing just through that. I have decided to buy the books myself, and I have set a donation price of 5.00, and the proceeds go to help the Greater Baltimore Right to Life.

I have been helping with the Greater Baltimore Right to Life, and they have asked me to be the President of the Greater Baltimore Right to Life. I have accepted the position.

Also, this year my story was featured with many different organizations and the one that is precious to me is in November it was published in the Pentecostal Herald. The Pentecostal Herald goes all over the world, and every licensed minister in the United Pentecostal Church receives the magazine.

So many, many blessing, but I am looking forward to seeing what God is going to do in 2016.

Let me say while there is so much darkness in this world, The Light of Jesus Christ shines brighter and the darker it gets, the closer we are to going to our eternal home. Where every knee shall bow, and everyone will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord!!

Walk Toward The Baby And Away From Fear

The title of this blog came from something my birthmother said.

Can you imagine what Mary must have felt that day that the Angel appeared to her and told her that she would have a baby, and his name would be Jesus? I can imagine she was afraid. I know she was scared, she said how can this be I know not a man.

As I think about this, I think of all the women who were raped and conceived a baby. For Mary, it was a joyous occasion, but for these women it was not. When a woman becomes pregnant through rape she is afraid, she feels worthless, she was violated against, she has negative feelings about herself. When you meet her or are friends with her, please don’t tell her that the first thing she should do is have an abortion. Let her know that she is loved and that Jesus loves her, and She is made worthy through Jesus Christ. Show her Grace and Mercy. Don’t be judgemental.

Help her in any way that you can and help her see that the baby that is growing inside of her has a purpose, and the baby will help her heal. Pray with her and help her to walk towards the coming of that baby and help her to walk away from fear.

My birthmother was raped, and she stayed at a home for unwed mothers, and the people there showed her the Grace and Mercy of God. They helped her any way that they could, and they walked with her towards the birth of her baby and helped her walk away from fear.

As Mary walked away from fear towards the birth of her baby, imagine the people that talked about her, the people that turned their back on her. The day finally came where Joseph and Mary had to talk the long walk to Bethlehem.  Imagine the uncomfortable ride on the donkey to get to Bethlehem where our Saviour Jesus Christ the Messiah was born.


The Song Take a Walk through Bethlehem is by Trisha Yearwood


Sherry Hensley Conceived in Rape





Sherry Hensley is a Pro-Life Speaker in Maryland-Conceived in Rape, saved from an illegal abortion. She is married to a Minister and enjoys inspiring others and sharing her faith.