Conceived From Rape Saved From An Illegal Abortion At Planned Parenthood

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It was in early 2008 that I found out I was conceived from rape and became very upset, but prayed and chose not to allow anger and bitterness take root, and I opted to forgive my birth father because Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins as well as the sins of my birth father.

My birthmother’s aunt wanted her to have an illegal abortion. I am so grateful that my birth mother did not give into the pressure of her aunt. 64% of abortions happen because of family and friends urging the woman to have an abortion. I am grateful that my birth mother chose life, and I was not one of the statistics of the 64%.

Last Summer when the Center for Medical Progress released the videos of exposing Planned Parenthood to very wrong and illegal practices I found out that my life could have ended at a Planned Parenthood facility before abortion became legal in the state that I was born in. When I saw the video of the 19-week baby in what I call the mixing bowl, I cried because it could have been me. I cringe when I talk about Planned Parenthood because I know that had my birthmother given into that pressure my very life would have ended at a Planned Parenthood facility.

Knowing what I know about my beginnings to life gives me a much greater appreciation for life. I am so thankful that my birthmother chose life and made the best decision and placed me for adoption.


Sherry Hensley is a Pro-Life Speaker in Maryland-Conceived in Rape, saved from an illegal abortion. She is married to a Minister and enjoys inspiring others and sharing her faith.