America, What Has Happened To Integrity


One of the definitions of Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. Another definition for Integrity is the state of being whole and undivided.

I have been talking with some of my friends about this upcoming election, and it breaks my heart that these friends of mine want to vote for someone who absolutely has no integrity about him. After talking with these friends, I ask myself this question, Whatever happened to integrity?

America was founded on the Word of God and a country that once had moral principles and moral values and uprightness, but we are now a country that is divided on many issues. America, we have lost our integrity.

Just recently I heard about an interview on the Today Show that if Donald Trump is elected President he wants to change the GOP platform to promote abortions in cases of rape. That is a slap in the face to those who were/are conceived from rape. I was conceived from rape, and this election is very concerning to me.

For a minute put yourself in the shoes of someone who was conceived from rape. How would it make you feel when reading news like this? How would it make you feel to be told you should be dead, your an evil seed, your the rapist child, your the monsters child, a gob of goo, a disgusting abomination, and the list goes on.

I am grateful for people like Lila Rose, president and founder of the pro-life organization Live Action, told she takes issue with Trump on supporting the aborting of babies not conceived lovingly.

“Rape and incest are horrific injustices, and those who commit these acts should always be punished to the full extent of the law. U.S. law forbids the use of the death penalty as a punishment for rapists, yet current law permits killing the innocent preborn children conceived in rape.  Abortion should not be held up as a pathway to healing from rape or incest, as it doesn’t undo the crime; it just adds more violence to what the survivor has already endured,” Rose explained.

Rose continued: “If you are pro-life, you can’t say certain lives are less worthy or don’t deserve protection because of how they are conceived.  To say children conceived in rape are somehow less human and shouldn’t be allowed to live is a grave injustice.  Survivors of rape and incest and their children must be shown compassion and be supported by their communities.  While some mothers choose to keep their children, adoption is the option for those who don’t.”

For me, I am so very grateful for my birthmother who gave me life and placed me for adoption and trusted God to take care of me. And that he has.

I am aware of the many issues that we face in our nation today, but if we want to see these problems fixed we are going to have to make a change and once again vote for people who have integrity and who stand on the Word of God and Godly principles and once again become a nation that is undivided and a nation that has strong moral principles and moral uprightness.






Sherry Hensley is a Pro-Life Speaker in Maryland-Conceived in Rape, saved from an illegal abortion. She is married to a Minister and enjoys inspiring others and sharing her faith.

The Blessing Of Adoption


When the world tries to make adoption look like a bad thing I want to tell you that Adoption is a blessing. My Life has been blessed by adoption. I am the adoptee. To give you the short version of the story my birthmother was raped and her aunt wanted her to have an illegal abortion and could have arranged it. She told her aunt no and because of her circumstances she made the selfless decision and placed me for adoption. Even in the middle of adversity she saw me as a gift from God, and she felt blessed. She felt blessed back then because she knew that there where couples out there who could not have children. She felt blessed and shared that gift from God with a couple who could not have children.


Adoption is a very loving option. Adoption is not rejection, but it is giving the gift of family to a child who needs a family. When a birthmother chooses adoption for her baby, she is putting herself last and putting the needs of her baby before hers. She is making a selfless decision. When my birthmother chose adoption for me, her only request was that I be placed in a strong Christian home. Yes, adoption is a very difficult decision. Back when I was placed for adoption most adoptions where “closed.” Thinking about my birthmother I truthfully don’t know how she did it. She is a very strong woman and a hero in my life. God blessed my birth mother with one week to care for, love and hold me. She and I were released from the hospital on the same day. I know it was hard for her that day, but I also know she felt at peace because she put her faith and trust in God that he would take care of me.  As I write this, I think about the song by Avalon. There are No Orphans of God. “There are no strangers, there are no outcasts, there are no orphans of God.”


Growing up my parents told me from a very young age that I was adopted. As I grew older, I wondered if my birthmother ever was able to have a baby girl.  When I decided to search for my birthmother, and she gave her permission to have contact with me I found out that she was able to have her baby girl. My Birthmother and her husband adopted her. So my Birthmother is also an adoptive mother. She knows about the blessing of adoption.  When I met my step-sister, I told her I had always wondered if my birthmother was ever able to have her baby girl. I went on to say that I am so glad that you are her daughter.


When I talk about adoption, I always say that Adoption saves lives.   I am grateful for the home that I was raised in. I had a normal life and truthfully to me being the adoptee it didn’t feel any different.  The reason it didn’t feel different is because my adopted family will always be my family.  Adoption truly is a blessing, and it is also the blessing of life!

Sherry Hensley Blogger (2)

Sherry Hensley is a Pro-Life Speaker from Maryland. She was conceived in rape, saved from an illegal abortion. She is also a Blogger for Save the 1.  She is married to a minister and enjoys inspiring others and sharing her faith. Her website is


God Uses Rape Conceived Baby In The Womb To Bring Healing To Mother


baby in womb

Life is a precious gift given to us by our master creator Jesus Christ.

This past Tuesday night I had the privilege to watch Ted Cruz on Fox News so profoundly stand up for the right to life. He included the exceptions. He did not leave anyone out, and I am so proud of the stand he took.

I was conceived from rape, and I am so grateful and proud of my birth mother, and I love my birth mother. I am so blessed and thankful that my birth mother did what was right, had she gave into the pressure from her aunt my very life would have ended at a Planned Parenthood Facility.

When I got in contact with my birth mother, she said I have always loved you, and you were the beginning of my healing process. The words beginning of my healing process has been going through my mind lately since Ted Cruz profoundly took the stand to include all life.

There are women in this world that get raped. Rape is horrific and traumatic. When a woman gets pregnant through rape, she is scared and pressuring the woman and forcing the woman to have an abortion after rape only adds to the trauma. Instead of pressuring for abortion lets love her and her baby. We should not be punishing the baby, but punish the rapist.

What goes through my mind when a woman gets pregnant through rape, yes she is dealing with many difficult emotions, but what is God doing?  God is creating a life in the midst of the womb for his plan to be fulfilled in that life. The very first plan that God does with this life is in the midst of the womb that baby is being used by God to help begin the healing process for the mother. When I thought about this, I thought even before I was born, even before I took my first breath outside the womb, even before I could understand things in the midst of the womb the very first plan the God had for my life was to help begin the healing process for my birth mother.

This year is a very pivotal year in the United States of America. We will be electing a new president. America needs God to heal our land. For that to happen as a nation, we need to repent and ask God to forgive us. When we go to vote, let’s pray and ask God, who do you want to be the new president of the United States of America. I know who I want God to place in the office. I want someone who will stand for Life, someone who will protect all life from conception to natural death.

When we destroy the life of the baby conceived in rape/incest, we are destroying the very first plan that God wants to use, and that is for the baby to begin the healing process for the mother and a life who has the right to life.








Sherry Hensley is a Pro-Life Speaker in Maryland-Conceived in Rape, saved from an illegal abortion. She is married to a Minister and enjoys inspiring others and sharing her faith.