The Rape Conceived Are Now Referenced To Gerbils Eating Their Young

The Value of Life


This is probably going to be one of the hardest things I ever will write. It has been brought to my attention that there are comedians who will use rape as being funny. Rape is horrific and traumatic. It is not something that you joke about. Yesterday, while on Facebook an article in Newsweek showed up. I tried to read it, but could not finish it. The article is very disgusting and sickening. Pure Evil. The article quotes Adrienne Truscott, saying, “….eating an infant conceived by rape, the way gerbils sometimes consume their own babies.”

Talking with my husband late last night about the article, he told me put ten people in a row and let me guess which one was conceived in rape. I would not be able to tell, he said. He also told me that is discrimination.

I was conceived in rape, and I have a very hard time understanding as to why society…

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Is A Preborn Child Conceived In Rape Guilty Of Hurting Her Mother?

The other day while I was having a discussion with some people about abortion and rape this question was brought up. What if she was just so traumatized with her experience that the thought of having her rapist’s child killed her spiritually? This question bothered me so much that I had to take a few days to think about what I want to say. For those that are just reading this and don’t know my story, I was conceived from rape and placed for adoption.

Since I started to share my story almost three years ago I have had many things said to me that are negative since then and never once have I heard the question in regards to the pre-born child conceived in rape kill the mother spiritually, but since we live in a very corrupt world that is just getting worse every day it does not surprise me that this was brought up.

Since getting into many discussions and reading true stories I have found out that many women and young girls say that having their baby has saved their lives, their baby has helped bring them healing, their baby is the joy and the blessing that came from something very traumatic. I know one mother who conceived a child from rape has told me “She made me have joy through the storm”! Also women and young girls who have their babies they see their child as their child not the rapist child, not a reminder, but a child full of life and purpose. Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” All the stories that I have read I have never heard of these Mother’s saying that their pre-born child caused them to die spiritually while their baby was in the womb, but what I have heard is that the baby begins to help the mother heal while in the womb. I know this is true because when I got in contact with her she told me that I was the beginning of her healing process.

The child conceived from rape is innocent of any wrongdoing.  It is my opinion that if a woman is struggling spiritually after she has been raped it is because she is going through a lot of emotions and probably feels like God left her, feels like God is far away, feels worthless, and feels helpless. I would in no way condemn her for struggling, but I would love her, support her, and show her the love of Jesus and if she is pregnant I would share with her my story and share other stories of women who have found that having their baby has helped them in many ways.  It is also my belief that the baby conceived in rape is not guilty of causing the mother to die spiritually.



Sherry Hensley is a Pro-Life Speaker in Maryland-Conceived in Rape, saved from an illegal abortion. She is married to Fred Hensley. Sherry enjoys inspiring others and sharing her faith. Fred and Sherry attend Bethel Christian Center in Havre de Grace, Maryland.